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Media training
We understand the messages that our clients want to get to their audiences and we are skilled at conveying them in a variety of ways. However, clients’ spokespeople don’t always have the same confidence when faced directly with media. At Al Dar International we work with leading journalists who are able to offer specific or general media training, ensuring that the people representing your brand know how to communicate the messages effectively.
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Video production
Visual images and video are fast becoming the language of the digital sphere. The relevance of video content is exponential when trying to engage an audience in a travel opportunity. After all, who wouldn’t rather see a hotel room, golf course or spa, than read about it? Although we value the written word and consider it our craft, we also recognize the value of other mediums. Over the past two years we have devised, planned and created video content for our clients to populate their websites and social media platforms, and increased brand awareness via YouTube. The impact has been immense and we encourage all of our clients to consider this an increasingly important PR tool.
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Broadcast media relations
The distribution of news should not be restricted to print and online media. Many television programmes offer luxury brands the opportunity to reach lifestyle audiences interested in, for example, heritage, design or destinations. Where suitable, broadcast exposure has an important role to play in the dissemination of news and brand messages so it is prioritised in our PR plans alongside print, social and online media.
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